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Title is the greatest pun ever, dix/ten.

theres any social media i can follow this games? twitter ?

Still haven't managed to beat the demo. I'm in love with it and am eagerly awaiting more! Also, might I say I'm deeply in love with the music!

(1 edit)

this game is just TEEMING with personality! masterfully crafted with passion, care, and quite the eye for asthetics. even such a demo was a wonderful experience. i will certainly be keeping an eye on your future work

After catching this outta the corner of my eye, I gotta say that it's actually really good! The style is charming and super pleasant, and it all just oozes heart and personality. And, obviously, y'know, some hella nice gains.
Great stuff!!


wish i could give minette more eclairs at the end

that's what i'm talking about man hell yea\

Just finished the game and got the true ending. Just by any coincidence: is there a way to make the wolf gain weight at the moment?

No gains for the wolf in the demo, as much as people are eager for it!

Is a larger game planned?


ok found out what the pantry key is for tbh wish the wolf could gain weight

Deleted post

Like the comment below, I've also been experiencing a black screen when trying to play. A shame since I really wanted to give this one a try!

When I try running the game all I get is a black screen... any idea how to fix this?

We've had a few reports of this, but haven't been able to replicate the issue. If you could tell us what operating system you are using (Windows 7, 10, 11, etc), that may help narrow down the issue. Do you hear sound as well? Thanks!

Windows 11 and yes, I can hear sound just fine


Hi there! We're sorry for the late reply, but might have found a workaround while we adjust things in the backend.

If you have a nvidia card, try running the game and leaving it idle. Then go to your Nvidia control panel 3d settings and go to the Program Settings tab. Add the gainjam exe through the first dropdown menu then adjust the settings as shown below. Try restarting the game once you apply these settings.

Let us know if this helps!


Yup, it works! Thank you so much for this


I honestly adore how simple yet clever the gameplay is, and the characterization is simply incredible too. The fact that so many details spoken by the characters are ridden with bias is quite refreshing, and they're all just fun to interact with, even if it's in a limited capacity. The visuals are also stunning too, every pixel is just masterfully used and every design fits the theme so well. All in all, fantastic work, and I honestly can't wait for the full game, whenever that is to come out.


Love it. Can't wait.


What Does This Have To Do With Weight Gain?


i assume thats what the 'appeasement' part is